Carl Elliott's This Is Your Country On Drugs

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The year of 2004, baseball stars like Barry Bonds and Jason Giambi were involved in a scandal regarding steroid usage. On December 2, 2004, Jason Giambi pled guilty for his use of steroids for three seasons. The following day, Barry Bonds also confessed to using a cream, but he claimed, he had no knowledge of its contents. In his 2004 article, “This Is Your Country on Drugs” Carl Elliott, conveys his point of re-evaluating our use of prescribed drugs. Carl Elliott is a well-credited Professor at the University of Minnesota and often writes for New York Times. Despite Elliott’s use of logical fallacies his use of logos, pathos, and ethos to inform Americans on their use of performance-enhancing drugs is convincing. Logos is the appeal…show more content…
Within baseball, Canseco in 2005 claimed, “85% of major league players used steroids and other PEDs”(Solberg 94). By comparing American usage of drugs with baseball athletes using drugs, Elliott provides a false analogy. He states, even non-athletes use PEDs when they are not performing a sport. Elliot presents statistics and comes up with hasty generalizations, “arguing that something true of a few members of a group is true of all members”(Funk). By stating that America “produces and consumes more than 85 percent of the world’s supply of Ritalin”(para 7) the author concludes that all Americans take drugs. By writing that the manufacturers of Fen-Phen, a drug to help lose weight, put aside $16 billion to compensate its many victims due to…show more content…
He uses statistics showing, there are billions of dollars put aside for those who get affected by the side effects of the drugs. Elliott shows how Americans are jealous of athletes and they “secretly want to see stars fail”(para 3). Based on these arguments presented, Elliott does a fabulous job convincing the audience that there are problems with drug usage and how easily they are accessible. The author grabs the audience’s attention by claiming how easily drugs are prescribed by doctors or attained via the black market. Elliott uses ample amounts of examples that shows how America is slowly turning to drugs for every short-come presented. How Americans use their medical systems to gain access to anti-depressants, performance-enhancers, and diet pills. Americans are so caught up with avoiding shame and humiliation that refusing to take drugs is like wanting to be left behind in the rat race to success. By presenting a good use of logos, pathos, and ethos the author is able to present his main point in controlling and monitoring the usage of

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