Care Of Unconcious Client

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CARE OF THE UNCONSCIOUS CLIENT INTRODUCTION Care of the unconscious patient differs slightly from the power of the conscious patient. The unconscious client will be fully dependent on you so they will require more specialised care. In this assignment I will set out how to care for an unconscious client of this type. Important facts to remember about this type of client is * A patient may be unconscious but may still be aware of there surroundings and what is happening to them *Always assume that the patient can hear you * Explain your actions step by step * Always state when you are entering and leaving the room Remember to always knock before entering the room , always address the client by name and introduce yourself. Protect the persons rights and dignity during the procedure . I will now set out a care plan for a patient of this type and state how to fulfil it. CARE OF THE SKIN I will begin with the care of the skin , the skin is the largest organ of our body. Explain to the patient you are about to begin .Before beginning a bed bath you will need to have the following to hand * Wash basin * Soaps * Bath thermometer * Nail file * Wash cloth * 2 bath and 2 hand towels * Bath blanket * Gown/ pyjamas * Lotion / powder * Deodorant *Brush and comb * Paper towels * Gloves During the bed bath place a hand towel over the chest area make a mitt with a face cloth. Wash around the eye area. Clean around the far eye 1st repeat the step for the near eye use a clean part of the wash cloth for each eye. Wash the face , ears and neck. Remove the gown do not expose the person. Place a bath towel lengthways , wash the arms , shoulder and underarm using long firm strokes continue to wash the body
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