“Bullying is a big problem that effects millions of students, and it has everyone worried, not just the kids on it’s receiving end” (Lyness 1). Bullying does not just affect kids, but the parents too. It affects the parents because a lot of their children begin to be afraid attending school. In the novel Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson, Melinda was affected by being bullied lead her to think about suicide, scared of coming to school, and victims like Melinda begin to not care about school and fail. Melinda was affected by being bullied and led to many things and one of them is thinking about suicide.
More and more young minority men and women are being ushered into the criminal justice system under the guise of fighting drugs. Therefore, the resources for educating them are diminishing and barriers to education restrict students with drug convictions from receiving higher education. Our youth of color bear the brunt of harmful drug policies from arrest to prosecution to detention in correctional facilities. In some states in the U.S. they now have the distinction of sending more Black and Latino young people to prison every year than graduate from state university programs. This legacy of discrimination in U.S. drug policy amplifies the burgeoning gap in opportunities available to White youth and youth of color.
The New Teen Age: 7 Ways to Support Teen Bullying Victims. Retrieved from http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-new-teen-age/201010/7-ways-support-teen-bullying-victims Thesis: Bullying in schools and on the Internet amongst teenagers has greatly increased in the past years; this has led to increased fatalities because so many feel that they don't have anywhere or anyone to go
Depression and suicide goes back to preteens/children not being emotionally or physiologically mature enough to have sex. Since many young people will have sex to show the other partner that they “love” them, when in reality it isn't love and often leaves one of the two heartbroken which may lead to depression. Meeker also discuses obscene rap lyrics, lurid reports of teen orgies and the high school "craze" for oral sex and blames: post-60s permissiveness, the misguided association of condoms with safety and sexualized media imagery and gives examples of, the popular magazine Cosmopolitan and television series Ally McBeal. In the end her
As a result of the immense pressure by society to succeed, many students, nowadays, are pressured into using drugs to either fit in or to help gain a competitive edge over classmates in school. Much of the youth population today relies on the use of drugs to help succeed in school and outside of school, on the countless standardized test, which has a large deciding influence on the future of the student. “Among high school seniors, 7.4 percent reported taking Adderall for non-medical reasons, 5.3 percent reported abuse of the pain reliever Vicodin, and 5 percent reported abuse of cough medicine containing dextromethorphan” (Drug Abuse). Many of the students who use drugs such as Adderall, use it to gain a more concentrated focus, which allows them to strengthen their performance on an enduring test such as the SAT. Although many students rely on drugs for educational purposes, the true factor for the rapid growth amongst teen users is peer-pressure.
Web. 11 June 2012. Judith Warner wrote an articled titled “Parents Created This Problem, and Must Address It,” where she tackles the continually dangerous and rising issue of students who are using drugs to make them focus in school and on school work. The drugs being abused are most commonly Ritalin and Adderall, which is medication prescribed to people with A.D.H.D., but however are being used by a countless number of students. Warner argues that this is very dangerous to kids and the pressure of parents on their kids to do well in school
| | NAME: Thurman Brian Royal THESIS: Bullying can be stopped in schools. INTRODUCTION: It’s time to take action against bullying. Did you know according to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry that 10% of children are bullied on a regular basis and will experience being bullied sometime during their school years? Bullying can be and should be stopped by prevention and intervention programs by establishing rules and policies that make bullying a crime. Individuals that bully have a mental imbalance of power among his or her peers that shows signs of unwanted aggressive behavior, repeated threats towards other children.
Often times, victims use drugs to "divert" and "distract" themselves from all the things they see, hear and experience. This becomes their "escape" to temporarily forget the hurtful things that they go through every single day. Discrimination. Studies show that LGBT teens are significantly more likely to experience discrimination in schools, workplaces and etc. 1/3 of LGBT youth who suffer from discrimination have reported the issue,
The physical and mental effects on teenagers through technology are causing concerns for many parents and experts. According to Strasburger, Jordan, and Donnerstein, "parents and professionals are seeing an increase in aggressive behavior, sexual experimentation, weight gain and loss, and school academics” (Strasburger, Jordan, & Donnerstein, 2010). The average teenager will have viewed almost 200 000 violence acts on television. Interactive technology can foster antisocial beliefs and behavior in teens because of the violence in new technology, which can be found video games. An example is "In the aftermath of the West Paducah, KY School shooting, it was revealed, the shooter had never fired a real gun in his life, yet his marksmanship was both accurate and lethal” (Strasburger, Jordan, & Donnerstein, 2010).
Mainly because that stereotypical societal behavior is encouraged through advertisements on a daily basis. In the middle school years, the messages we send to boys and girls begin to hit them with full force as they become aware of and struggle to understand what it means to be a man or a woman in our society. We know that in adolescence girls self-esteem suffers. They often begin to feel less than competent and unsure of themselves. Some girls begin to lose their "voice" or "go underground" with their gifts and abilities as they absorb messages about what it means to be "feminine" in our culture.