Can Sex Education Survive the Media Involvement and Peer Pressure

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Abstract Sex education in schools does not work unless peer pressure and bullying is stopped. Young people in United States spent an average of six to eight hours with some form of media coverage. Media has saturated the world in which children lived, is a world in which sexual behavior is frequent and increasingly explicit. Peer pressure in both school and media increase the chances of risky behavior in children in both world the drugs and alcohol use and sexual experimentation. Can sex education survive the pressure of media involvement and peer pressure? It is say that ever since the sexual revolution of the 60’s the decline in moral values, addictions, alcoholism, and crime has increase dramatically to proportions underestimate by researchers and psychologist. Media depiction of real sexual relations and real life experiences of youth contributes to their difficulties in making healthy sexual decisions. Sex education in schools does not work unless peer pressure and bullying is stopped. Mass media, television, music, magazines, movies and internet have become more and more of sex educator leaving schools and religious organization behind and young people all over United States vulnerable to risky and unhealthy decisions. Let’s start by understanding what both word mean; peer pressure composed by the word peer that mean “one who has an equal standing with another in age, class, or rank” and pressure that mean “stress or force exerted in a body, as by tension, weight, or pulling” (Taber’s 2001). Peer pressure is a type of pressure that can be exerted by a social group that influences a person to act or behave in a positive or negative way. It can influence the person’s believes and moral values. When it comes to children and teenagers they are extremely vulnerable to this kind of positive or negative action because they are spending more time

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