Equality And Diversity Assessment Essay

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Equality and Diversity Assessment SHC 33 1.1 EYMP 4 3.1 CYP 3.7:4.1 An explanation of what is meant by: Diversity Refers to the difference between people; their values, beliefs, attitudes, cultures, skills, knowledge and the life experience of every individual in a group. Equality Ensures that everyone has a chance to take part in society on an equal basis and be treated appropriately, regardless of their gender, race, disability, age, sexual orientation, language, social origin, religious beliefs, marital status and other personal attributes. Inclusion Means that every child, young person, adult or learner is given an equal opportunity to have access to education and care by meeting their specific and individual needs.…show more content…
Children and young people have a right to have their needs and preferences met in such a way as to support and include them rather than exclude them and label them as “outside the norm.” Everyone should be seen as part of the community – even if they need additional help and support to live a full life within the community. Inclusive practice celebrates the diversity of the people we all live with today – whatever their background. It includes them, allowing them space for their beliefs, preferences, abilities and needs. It teaches that everyone has a place in our society and community and that we all have a right to be here. No one person is better or worse than the other. Changing the attitudes towards discrimination is an important early intervention tactic set to enable acceptance of all from a very early age. From this, would increase an individual's self esteem, confidence and ability to function as a contributing member of society. It would break down the barriers than divide people, and cause fractious relationships that allow people to slip through the social care structure unaided and…show more content…
Staff should make parents and carers aware that negative behaviour towards children from different backgrounds or with different abilities will not be tolerated, and that they will be asked to show respect towards all the children in the setting. As a practitioner, it's important to listen to children of all backgrounds and abilities to not only show them that their views are important to me and therefore to our setting, but also to enable them to feel comfortable talking about themselves, so they know they are valued and that their beliefs, preferences and needs can and will be met within the setting. It is also good to be able to freely talk about the differences between one child and another. Children are often curious about people who are different from themselves. For example, talking about variations in skin colour, hair texture, shape of features, physical abilities and impairments. If I respond readily to the children's questions then they learn about the differences in gender, ethnicity, culture and family, and physical appearance. They can grow up with accurate information and help them to avoid stereotypes an

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