Burger Dome Summary Analysis

387 Words2 Pages
Summary An analysis was done for the payroll data of Ten Burger Dome employees. The payroll data reflected the name of each employee, the number of hours worked each month, and the hourly wage for each month from the year that just passed. The month with the most hours worked was February. In the month of February the total hours worked was 1,352, making the average approximately 135 per employee. In that month the employee that worked the most hours was Ruthe Wasilewski, she worked a total of 156 hours. The month with the least hours last year was August. August had a total of 1,049 hours, bringing the average per employee to approximately 150 hours. In that month Londa Donat worked the most hours, with a total of 154 hours. The total number of hours for the whole year was 14,678. Wages did not directly reflect the total number of hours. The month with the highest number of hours worked was not the month with the highest wages. The month with the highest wages was November with approximately $9,769. That month the hourly wage was $7.44, the second highest hourly wage after the month of December. The month of December had the highest hourly wage of $7.5. January had the lowest total wages of $7,850. As for the employees the highest paid employee for the year was Annabell Fritz. Annabell made approximately $10,413. Part of being successful as a business is being efficient in all facets of operation. That includes managing staffing. Some recommendations to help the business become more efficient in coming years would be to try and make the payroll as low as possible. Cutting hours is one way to reduce the amount of payroll. Cutting hours can be very critical especially in the months where the hourly wage is higher than the rest. The month of December was a good balance; it had the highest hourly wage, but was in the bottom half in terms of total hours.

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