Bungie Jump Essay

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Imagine you standing in a 65-foot building and looking down. Does it scare you? For some it doesn’t even bother them, but at the same time for some people it is very terrifying. I’m one of those people who are extremely scared of heights. What I felt while standing on a 65-foot tower was pretty terrifying. The feeling that I got from it was as if I was falling from an airplane with nothing attached to me. Although when jumping out of an airplane there is usually a parachute that you have to fall with. But when your parachute does not open or the strings get detached statistics show that there is a lot more chance of a person dying. If ones parachute fails to do its job humans fall into the ground or water and get hospitalized and/or die. If while one is bungee jumping and the bungee breaks then you just simply fall onto the matt that is below you. Therefore bungee jumping might be a safer place to experience fall down. The legend says that bungee jumping first appeared on the Pentecost Island in the South Pacific. During the Second World War when for the first time westerners came to Pentecost Island they discovered that people had discovered what now we call bungee jumping. According to the legend, one of the natives named Tamalie whom was a husband that was abusing his wife. One day she decided to run away because of his abuses. She then climbed a tall tree to hide from her husband, Tamalie. Not after a long time he found her and started to climb after her. While he was climbing, she tied up lianas around her ankles and in the moment Tamalie tried to catch her, she jumped from the tree. Tamalie jumped after her, but because he didn’t know what she was doing he hit the ground without any support and died. The men of Bunlap were very impressed by this performance and they began to practice such jumps in case they got in similar situation. This practice transformed
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