How Did The Jack Blow The Conch

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Ink Stained Hands The Universal Press | Thursday June 4th, 1954 | World News. A 1 | Ink Stained Hands The Universal Press | Thursday June 4th, 1954 | World News. A 1 | Children Stranded on Unknown Island after Plane Crashes Cambridge, England – Ralph Williams is just one of the young boys who was stranded on an unknown island off the Pacific Ocean for a little over a month, before being rescued. On April 18th, 21 young boys boarded a plane in hopes of leaving the country to be in a safer place during the war. About an hour after takeoff the planes engine stopped working and the pilot lost all control he had over the plane. The plane crashed on the beach of an unmarked island, just off the Pacific Ocean.…show more content…
So I tried and it worked, then more boys came, it was our way of calling everyone” said Ralph. The conch was used as a calling to the boys on the island, when it was blown that meant that they were going to have a meeting. World Issues Page 6 Ralph would blow the conch if he felt they needed to discuss things happening on the island. The boy who held the conch had the right to speak. One little boy asked for the conch and told the boys about a “beast” that was on the island, and how it came out of the water at night and would do it again. “No one believed the little boy, everyone laughed at him. But eventually everyone began to believe him, even me. Jack wanted to prove that there was no beast, so Jack, Simon and I all climbed to the top of the mountain where the “beast” apparently was, and sure enough we saw it. I didn’t get the best look at the beast, we all just screamed and ran as fast as we could. To this day I’m not sure if I should believe it was real or not” said Ralph. No one went to the top of the mountain after they had said it was a real thing. All the boys were way to scared

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