Brown Vs Board Of Education

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The Brown vs. Board of Education case took place in the 1950’s and developed from several court cases involving school segregation. The U.S. Supreme Court declared it was unconstitutional to have separate schools based on race. This case was ranked one of the most important Supreme Court decisions of the 20th century. The Brown case served as a catalyst for the modern civil rights movement and forming the legal means of challenging segregation in all areas of society. ‘The case of Brown v. Board of Education was a huge turning point for African Americans to becoming accepted into white society at the time. (Tashnet 62) Brown vs. Board of Education was not simply about children and education it was about being equal in a society that claims African Americans were treated equal, when in fact they were definitely not. This case was the starting point for many Americans to realize that separate but equal did not work. Brown v. Board of Education brought this out, this case was the reason that blacks and whites no longer have separate restrooms and water fountains, this was the case that truly destroyed the saying separate but equal, Brown vs. Board of education truly made everyone equal. The Supreme Court jointed five cases under the heading of Brown vs. Board of Education, because each sought after the same legal outcome. (Americana. 2002). The combined cases came from Delaware, Kansas, South Carolina, Virginia and Washington, DC. Originally led by Charles H. Houston, and later Thurgood Marshall, it picked apart the legal foundation for Holzhauer 2 racial segregation in schools and other public places. By stating that the prejudiced setting of racial segregation violated the 14th amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which guarantees all citizens equal protection of the laws,
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