Born Again Essay

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Born again For most people life is about living as long as possible, many believe that in order to do that you need to live healthy. But life is just as much about doing the things you enjoy, so what matters the most? Living a long life or living a good life? If only people were immortal then one could both live a long life and a good life. That opportunity is given to Nancy Loughlin, the main character in the Novel ‘Born Again’ by Anna Billson 1993. The novel ‘Born Again’ is about Nancy Loughlin and how her life radically changes when she, by accident, becomes pregnant. Because of the child she is carrying, a group of people tries to kill her. To begin with Nancy doesn’t even know she is with child, which she discovers after the first attack. Nancy can’t understand how she has become pregnant because she hasn’t had sex in months and she decides to get an abortion. The novel starts in Nancy’s apartment where she wakes up with a hangover on a workday. Nancy has been smoking and doing drugs but now her only vice is drinking wine: “The only weakness I allowed myself was wine” Nancy is a businesswoman, but on her way to work, where she has a meeting with “the Belgians”, she starts to crave Fudge Tub. The craving is so overwhelming she has to get out of the cab at Marble Arch and search for a Fudge Tub. Not only this the first time her craving and search for Fudge Tub begins, it also at this time she is first attempted murdered. The man who tries to kill Nancy is wearing a grey suit and clutching a Kitchen Devil. The man does not frighten Nancy, she doesn’t believe he is going to kill her: “If some maniac was going to attack you, he didn’t creep up like a look-behind-you villain, not with a weapon like that.” As Nancy stands in front of the man she tries to talk with him and is being really friendly towards him, but he only mumbles. At last he yells:

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