Body Tissues and the Integumentary System

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Describe the characteristics of epithelial tissue. (5 points) Epithelial tissue has many characteristics. It is composed primarily of closely packed cells with little extracellular material between. The cells fit close together to form continuous sheets. The cells are held together by lateral contacts. It displays polarity, meaning that the apical surface differs from the basal surface. It’s all supported by connective tissue, also known as the basement membrane, which prevents stretching and tearing. It is avascular, but innervated, and it is highly regenerative. Describe the characteristics of connective tissue. (5 points) All connective tissues are derived from a common origin, called mesenchyme, which is an embryonic tissue. They all have varying degrees of vascularity. They also tend to be mostly nonliving extracellular matrix. Describe the characteristics of nervous tissue. (5 points) Nervous tissue consists of neurons, which are specialized nerve cells that generate and conduct nerve impulses. They are usually branching cells that can transmit impulses some distance throughout the body. There are also supporting cells, which are non-conducting cells that give support, insulation, and protection to the neurons. Describe the various appendages of the skin and their structure. (5 points) The skin appendages are the nails, sweat glands, sebaceous glands, and the hair follicles and hair. The nail is composed of hard keratin, has a free edge, body, and root, and lies on top of a nail bed. It grows from the nail matrix under the skin. Sweat glands are comprised of two types; eccrine and apocrine. They consist of coiled tubes embedded in the dermis or hypodermis and open out onto the skin surface. Sebaceous glands are flask shaped glands that secrete sebum through an opening directly into the hair follicle or skin. The hair and its follicle are found

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