Body Glove Case Study

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Case Study Report – Body Glove 1. Introduction & Overview 1.1 The budgeting process was the central theme of Topic 9. The topic overviewed the typical steps in the budget cycle and some of the control mechanisms also featured. 1.2 By using the Body Glove case, real examples of how the budgeting process can assist, or hinder, organisational goals were highlighted. I gleaned a number of key learnings from the topic, and these are identified in Section 2. 2. Learning Outcomes 2.1 There are links between strategic goals and budgeting The budget process can, and should, align with an organisation’s strategic plan. In the Body Glove example, the budget process was quite rudimentary and did not link at all with any organisational goals. The budget was mainly based on historical sales and could best be described as a resource allocation exercise to attempt to calculate future costs based on forecasted sales. However, even fulfilling this basic requirement was not served by the process; the fact that insufficient neoprene was on hand to fill orders evidences this. Conversely, a budget that links in with an organisation’s strategic growth goals, would ensure that sufficient resources are on hand to fill orders and therefore ensure available product goes to market. Using a balanced scorecard approach would be insightful. Body Glove is likely to achieve some of the customer based metrics, but without a strong overarching plan other areas that could improve productivity and therefore profit, are ignored. For example, if a strategy is to decrease time to market (which would seem aligned with Body Glove’s business type of being highly fashionable), the budget could include some incentives for staff to find process efficiencies. Once the end direction is clear, sales targets can be established based on where the company wants to be, rather than what sales were

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