Small Fries Case Study

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When considering how Small Fries Inc and its other facilities should record the costs associated with OSHA compliance on their financial statements as either capitalized as an asset or charged to expenses. We should consider the types of repairs that will be done. Whether they are ordinary repairs or major and extraordinary repairs that will benefit the companies more than one year or operating cycle. According to ASC 360 -10- 25- 5 Planned Major Maintenance Activities, The use of the accrue-in-advance (accrual) method of accounting for planned major maintenance activities is prohibited in annual and interim financial reporting periods. GAAP defines a company's assets as the things it owns or controls that have measurable future economic…show more content…
Additionally, if the quantity or quality of the assets productivity is increased capitalize cost of improvements or replacement to the asset account. It is also important to consider whether the item being repaired is already capitalized and being depreciated and whether it is being separately tracked or considered part of a larger asset. If the item is capitalized and being separately tracked, dispose of this asset on the books and capitalize the repair and maintenance addition. This avoids having the same asset on the books twice with both being depreciated. Moreover, Small Fries Inc. should not report the repairs and maintenance in their balance sheet as aggregate cost but instead designated the expense to each facility as each expense is incurred. According to 210-10-S99 SEC materials, Accumulated depreciation, depletion, and amortization of property, plant and equipment. The amount is to be set forth separately in the balance sheet or in a note thereto. It should be recorded in the year when it is happening and make notes to the financial statement to that

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