Blackrock Night Scene Analysis

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How is the issue of violence represented in the lives of individuals in your core text and in one other related text? Violence is presented in Blackrock and Harry Brown through the issues of, the negative influence of peers, the influence of drugs, and powerlessness. These can be seen in various scenes in both texts where youths are creating harmful situations for themselves and others around them. These issues can be examined in the scene where Ricko and Jared fight which causes the relationship between them to melt. In Harry Brown, night raids turn into a large scale riot which is a powerful example of the negative influence of peers. In Blackrock, Scene 21, Ricko, Jared and Tiffany are talking to each other, when an argument breaks out. Ricko is drunk, and wants Tiffany to have sex with him and Jared. She resists and Ricko tries to rape her but Jared restrains him while Tiffany runs away. This incident is an example of physical violence and contains both themes of the negative influence of peers, and more importantly, powerlessness. In this scene, Tiffany portrays the physical powerlessness among woman, when confronted by violent youths. The language of the characters and the stage directions contribute to the conveyance of violence in this scene. The quote, “She runs away. Ricko attacks Jared. They…show more content…
Youths are destroying everything, and putting other peoples lives at risk, as well as their own. This is an example of mob mentality, which is physical violence. When a person joins the mob, they are no longer an individual, but part of a huge, driving force. The issue of the negative influence of peers is significant in this event, in that it is the fuel of the riot. When you join the mob, you are now powerless, in that you cannot control what it does, you have to do what it does, and behave accordingly. People are pressured into doing things that they would not normally

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