Biobutanol vs. Gasoline: Will a Cleaner Motor Fuel Drive Us Towards a Healthier Future?

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Biobutanol vs. gasoline: Will a cleaner motor fuel drive us towards a healthier future? Written by: Necia Fernandez Student ID: 18357150 Unit name and code: Science communications COMS1000 Introduction Biobutanol is a more feasible alternative to gasoline. It is a more viable motor fuel substitute to gasoline, as biomass – from which biobutanol is derived from – is readily available for production and more importantly is a renewable resource. Gasoline is a crude oil product derived from petroleum, which is finite and unsustainable as a motor fuel, because it is increasingly being used up faster than it is being produced. It is expected that with continued research, biobutanol could eventually surpass gasoline as the primary motor fuel. Evidence proves that biobutanol is more acceptable environmentally than gasoline and conveniently, biomass is readily available for the steady production of biobutanol. Biobutanol is more advantageous economically, environmentally and socially. With it being cost efficient, releasing far less CO2 vapours and opening a new job market, biobutanol can eventually take over gasoline as our primary motor fuel. Method Information for this analysis was gathered from Curtin library resources including scholarly journals and government reports. Websites were also investigated although their credibility was cross- checked with a tutor. Body Point 1 Biobutanol being used as a fuel is excellent as a future prospect, as it has high potential to become one of the most economically efficient fuels. Biobutanol will eventually become cheaper than gasoline as additional research is conducted to unearth more efficient ways in utilising biobutanol rather than gasoline. Through an economical aspect, using biobutanol would prove to be cheaper than gasoline as it has a higher energy content, lower water absorption and better blending ability and

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