Beowulf & Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

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Beowulf & Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Beowulf is considered to be the greatest composition of the Old English verses. It is a heroic poem written by an anonymous author, in Anglo-Saxon. The date of its creation is uncertain since there is only one manuscript left, however it is estimated to have been written somewhere between the middle of the seventh and the end of the tenth century. Although it was written in this period, the events which it deals with go back as far as around the fifth century. The poem consists of roughly 3000 lines and it is divided into forty-three sections. It is believed that Beowulf had its form given by a singer or scop, who was an educated person from the court in charge of singing the old English creations; while the arrangement of the text as verse runs by the adaptation of modern editors. The poem is not written with an specific meter and rhythm, but it presents alliterations in all its lines “At the demon’s trail, in deep distress” (Beowulf 133) Belonging to an old Germanic tradition, whose code was “loyalty and bravery, bound to seek glory in the eye of the warrior world” (Heaney xiv), the poem revolves around warlike images and words related to this realm; many can be found throughout the text such as “breast mail”, “sword”, “shield”, “helmet” and “spear”. The Anglo-Saxon tribes: the Angles, the Saxons and the Jutes, migrated to the British Islands on the eighth century. When this took place, they established in small kingdoms around the territory, keeping their own dialects, stories and mores. As a community in a foreign land, it was very important for them to preserve their culture and traditions, for the sake of maintaining their folklore alive. During the sixth century, Christianism reached the British islands by the hands of St. Augustine and the religion permeated the lives of clans and tribes (Kermode
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