Beowulf Epic Hero

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Matt Eisenschmid Mr. Bloh English 3, Period 8 February 3, 2014 Beowulf: A True Epic Hero Throughout the history of literature many heroes have been created and observed in epic quests and stories. Many of the greatest stories about heroes are told in poems such as The Odyssey, The Iliad, and Beowulf. The heroes in these poems are defined “epic” by their valiant actions and the massive scale of their quests. An epic hero is more than just any typical brave soul; this type of hero does much more than saving a princess. The true definition of an epic hero is a character that will take on any challenge even it risks death, posses’ godly strength and ability, and finally will valiantly sacrifice themselves for the good of their people and ideals. In this case, Beowulf is the spitting image of an epic hero. Not only does he fit the description but also he emits pure heroism in almost every thing he does from fighting Grendel to the Dragon. Beowulf portrays the epic hero in the following ways such as taking on seemingly impossible challenges like his swimming competition with Breca, possessing godly and superhuman strength when fighting Grendel and his mother, and finally sacrificing himself by fighting and defeating the Dragon while also dying for his people. Beowulf could not fit the image, attitude, and qualities of an epic hero any more perfect. First, an epic hero may establish himself or herself through rigorous challenges. Any true epic hero would never back down from any challenge, as they want to establish themselves as the mightiest and the bravest. Beowulf shows this characteristic a multitude of times. The best example of Behold epic heroism is when he tells the story of his swimming challenge with Breca. Beowulf is challenged to a competition with his friend Breca, they swim through terrible water and storms all while fighting terrible sea monsters.

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