Benefits Of Victim Compensation

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Victim Compensation: Every state has a victim compensation program to help victims of violent crime pay for costs related to being a crime victim. Victim compensation typically covers medical treatment, counseling, burial expenses, travel for a court case, other costs, and sometimes even moving expenses. Most states require victims to file their applications for victim compensation within a specific period of time after the crime. Victim compensation is considered a "payer of last resort," which means that you cannot receive victim compensation if you have any other ways to be reimbursed (such as health insurance, life insurance, or home owners' or car insurance) for the services you need. A victim advocate can give you information about victim…show more content…
These agencies provide the bulk of policing services across the United States. “For the most part, they are not concerned with corporate internal problems; they are concerned primarily with street crimes. Private security services, on the other hand, fall into two categories: (1) proprietary or corporate security; and (2) contract or private security firms. Corporate security generally refers to the security departments that exist within businesses or corporations. Contract security firms by contrast sell their services to the public, including businesses, homeowners, and banks. Private security is not a monolithic entity. Just as differences exist between state and local law enforcement, private security performs functions that can differ considerably. IACP’s summit report notes that “[a] security practitioner could be an experienced director of security at a major multinational corporation, a manager of contract security officers at a client site, a skilled computer crime investigator, an armed protector at a nuclear power plant, or an entrylevel guard at a retail store.”5 For local police chiefs and sheriffs, some or all of these classes of private security might be appropriate to incorporate into their homeland security strategies, depending on the characteristics of their jurisdictions. Law enforcement and private security have strengths and weaknesses that must be considered to form realistic expectations of what each can bring to partnerships. Private security is often criticized for absent or inadequate preemployment screening, training, standards, certification, and regulation, and high turnover rates. However, recent findings indicate that private security has made gains in these areas.6 Private sector security also has significant strengths. The sheer number of private security officers makes

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