Benefits of Gambling

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What is gambling? Gambling is the wagering of money or something of material value on an event with an uncertain outcome with the primary intent of winning additional money and or material goods. Though it is considered to be linked to some of society’s socioeconomic problems, it has been predominantly apart of our history. From its legalization by the state of Nevada in (1931), its growth has become a business phenomenon. While there are pros and cons of gambling to both society and individuals, research helps to show that there are intrinsic and extrinsic both benefits and gains provided by gambling to senior citizens and charity. Similarly, legalized gambling is a favourite among some individuals through which they gain health/wealth, entertainment/recreation and economic benefits. In addition to this fact, though gambling is considered a typical addiction it has significant health benefits, affecting mental health, social interaction and support. Moreover (Vincent&Raymond Eade) concludes senior citizens and other retirees are drawn to casinos for social interaction with other players and enjoy the interaction with casinos employees. It alleviates their loneliness or feeling of uselessness brought by their age. Social interaction is especially more prominent in occasions that cater for the local clientele. Employees know these frequent guest and really become part of the regular extended family. Additionally many civic organization clubs and associations utilize casino meeting rooms for social gathering (p20). Similarly, while scientist have long recognised the importance of play for the healthy development of children, scientists have paid less attention to the fact that play is particularly important for adults in reducing anxiety. In addition to this fact research shows that playing multi-line bonus slots helps to degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s by

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