Belonging in the Crucible - Arthur Miller Pov

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Belonging is the human need for wellbeing, acceptance and social security. One belongs to a group, a family, a unit, and one can also be isolated from groups and rejected from communities. The Crucible explores the destruction of a community by mass hysteria which was caused by members of the community accusing one another of practicing witchcraft and devil worship. As Salem was a Puritan society, to act against God is frowned upon and cannot go unpunished. I wrote this play because it relates to the McCarthyism period which was happening during that time as others are constantly accused of being communist without actual official evidence.

My play is seen to have explored through the theme of persecution, whereby one must adapt to the standards of society in order to belong. If one was to refuse then the alternative is alienation and displacement. The central aspects of reputation and empowerment are explored through a variety of literary techniques. I have used the technique of juxtaposition which reinforced characters and emphasises upon their social faction. Danforth’s ultimatum, “A person is either with this court or must be counted against it, there is no road between” emphasises the two juxtaposing alignments in the society, whereby one either belongs or does not. The contrast here lies in the divide between individuality and social conformity.
Within this concept of belonging to the community of Salem the characters in The Crucible are tested with the choices they are struggling to partake on which is to belong to the community, support the authorities and punish the accused or to not belong to the community and be punished.

John Proctor is one of the characters who is confronted to either belong or not. He initially chooses to not belong to Salem society. His sin with Abigail makes him feel like he doesn’t belong in Salem when only his wife knows
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