Belark Tribe Ritual

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Belkov Do not fail In my family we have a ritual to go from childhood to adult at the confirmation. When a child get confirmed there is a big celebration party after the church. During this party there will be three tasks that the child has to complete to become an adul: Light a cigar, drink a glass of cognac, and last tie their own tie. This ritual has been going on for many years, and I went through it too thirteen years ago. The day started with all my family and I went to the church where I would get confirmed, a two hour long ceremony. After that all get together outside to congratulate the students that got confirmed, and then we got our pictures taken. Everyone get transported differently to their parties, some in limousines, and…show more content…
When I was thirteen I really enjoyed eating, so I ate a big meal, and it was some really good food that my grandma made. After we all ate they brought a glass to me then they filled it with cognac. I had to drink the entire glass, and that was bad, I do not like the taste of cognac, and I still do not like it to this day. After all it was a tradition so I had to drink it, and I was just happy that I happened to eat a really big meal so I did not get too drunk, and most the food I ate absorbed most of the liquid so I did not get sick either, which was good, because the party had to go on. An hour after my cognac, I had to do the tradition to become a man, and that was tie a tie. That was the worst of the three things I had to do, because I had no idea to this. At that time in my life I was not worried about trappings of adulthood. When I was starting on the tie, I was quite terrified, and that made me almost pee my pants because it was the last challenge. I could not screw this one up, so I spend thirty minutes on trying to figure it out, and I finally got it figured out. To this day I cannot remember how I did tie that tie, so in the end I was just lucky to tie it. One thing I do not like in essays is very short paragraphs. I like to read metaphors, but I am not good at making metaphors, so I did not use any. I do not like when beginning and end is

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