Beach Descriptive Writing

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Beach: The waves roared far out to sea on the tranquil beach. The sun’s rays bouncing on the water’s horizon, as the sun began to set. It hadn’t been like this earlier. The beach had been bustling with people from all cultures. Families arrived by car, struggled to carry towels, wind breaks, and picnics through the bushes to the beach. The walk was a long one, through trees and over dunes, up and down, but the way faces lit up when they got to the opening showed the beach was so rustic, so beautiful. It was a crowded summer’s day, filled with families both young and old. They laughed and smiled whilst playing in the burning heat. A young boy queuing for ice cream, another crying, as his dripped down his arm. The ice cream attendant working hard in the golden sun. You could see the tiny beads of sweat tumbling down his forehead, until his faded fraying handkerchief was lifted to wipe the glistening beads away. A family of five playing a game of rounder’s on the sand. As they ran, the minute particles flicking up their legs looked magical, creating a scene of beauty. Tanned bodies lay on towels of every colour, browning, burning as time went on. Pages flew from books in the light summer’s breeze, as the heat melted the glue holding them together. With no more than thirty people, the beach was beautiful, peaceful, and perfect. Fathers and sons splashed in the ocean, playing games of mermaids, sharks; all whilst howling and creating ripples through the calm waters. Blow up toys entertained the children, whilst their parents looked on happily from where they sat. In the distance, a ship could be seen. The ship’s engines creating such a loud rumbling noise, making everyone stop and wave. Laughter echoed through the air, as everyone enjoyed their day. Even the smell of the barbeques, drifting through the air, made heads turn in envy. The dirty, grey smoke, billowing
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