Be Prepared for the Zombie Apocalypse

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In the history of the world, we have had to prepare for wars and hurricanes, but how do you prepare for the zombie apocalypse? Many websites and magazines offer information on how to prepare but it may not be all you need. To prepare for this horrid time, the essentials to live are weapons, food, and the perfect hiding. First choose the best weapon. There is a vast quantity of weapons to choose from, but what can help the most when being attacked from everywhere by zombies? The weapon chosen by many, is the 22 callaber handgun, lightweight, easy to handle and the ammo is plentiful. Almost any handgun would be good in this situation because it is easy to hold, smaller than a rifle and can be held in almost any pair of pants. A machine gun can be helpful when trying to take out many at one time. An axe can also be good to chop up remains to clear. To catch or delay zombies, lassos, rabbit traps and bear traps are suggested. There have also been suggestions of making a golf cart that is army style with guns, spikes and a plow, but it is unsure how that might contribute because of the lack of electricity. When preparing for the zombie apocalypse, these are definitely the best weapons that you will need. The process of elimination on the food list can be frightening. Remember when choosing the menu, non-perishables are the best choice because there is no time limit on how long the zombies will be around. Food that is not needed to refrigerate is best, a few ideas are twinkies, swiss rolls, poptarts, cereal, and granola because they can be stored in any kind of temperature. It is also best to have water in jugs and bottles, and soda, the caffeine will keep you running, Literally. Stocking up on these items is essential, this is definitely a big step on the preparation train. It takes a lot to stay alive. Hiding is going to keep you alive as zombies

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