Battle Of Britain Failure

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The Battle of Britain took place when the Luftwaffe attempted to win air superiority over southern England from the Royal Air Force as an essential prerequisite for the invasion of this country by German naval and land forces. For the British, it ran from 10 July - 31 October 1940. For the Germans it began on 13 August, Adlertag or "Eagle Day". The key to success for the Luftwaffe was the destruction of the RAF's fighter force. Conversely, for Fighter Command it was to hamper bombing and inflict losses, preferably before the target was reached. The campaign itself was marked by several distinct phases. As the battle developed, the Luftwaffe attacked targets moving further and further inland from coastal shipping to forward fighter airfields and radar stations, 11 Group sector airfields and finally London. The crucial period of the battle was between 24 August and 15 September. Fighter Command came closest to losing when its vital sector airfields around London were attacked. The decisive turning point came on 7 September when the Luftwaffe switched its attention to the capital. This tactical blunder allowed Fighter Command to recover its strength rapidly to inflict, on 15 September, losses significant enough to show the Germans the battle could not be won. British Fighter Aircraft The most potent element of the air defences during the Battle of Britain was provided by the excellent fighter aircraft which were the backbone of Fighter Command, the Hurricane and the Spitfire. A product of the timely revolutionary scientific and technical advances being made in the 1930s, this new generation of all-metal monoplane fighters was developed in time to have a decisive impact in the skies over southern England in 1940. In a quantum leap, the aircraft with which the Royal Air Force was equipped jumped from the slow, obsolescent, open-cockpit biplanes with top speeds of no

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