Banning Barbie Case

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I. VIEWPOINT (Barbie’s viewpoint) Barbie has always been positioned as the American girl doll. She has blue eyes and blond hair. Barbie was launched in the Islamic market and had an issue that she has been a cultural threat for them which made them declare that Barbie should be banned in the Middle Eastern countries. (Consultant’s viewpoint) Based on the written case material, Barbie did not put into consideration the culture of the Middle Eastern people. The Muslims belief is way different from the western people. They are very conservative and the image of Barbie who never wants to get old and pregnant is not acceptable in their country. Barbie wearing indecent clothes contradicts what the Muslims wear which is a long dress or dresses that does not go above the knee. II. TIME CONTEXT Information gathered in the provided case is expected to be up to date. This helps us know what issue the Barbie doll is currently experiencing in the global market. III. OBJECTIVES * To be able to address the major issue of Barbie being banned. * Analyze and give alternative solution for the problem or issue being faced by Barbie. IV. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM -(MAJOR) How to position Barbie in the Islamic Market? -(MINOR) -Manufacturers continue to create replacements for Barbie that will be accepted in the Middle Eastern countries. -Barbie being banned in the Middle Eastern countries. V. AREAS OF CONSIDERATION STRENGTHS | -Barbie remained the most popular doll among affluent consumers in the neighboring Arab world. | WEAKNESSES | -The Institute for Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults has declared Barbie a cultural threat to Iran. | OPPORTUNITIES | -Barbie attempts to give Arab girls a feeling of pride in belonging to their own culture.-Some toy store owners think Barbie is about business, not culture, and many moderate Iranians oppose
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