Axia College: Student Survival Guide

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Student Survival Guide The following is a study guide for you to use during the courses you will take in proceeding through Axia College. This will be a helpful tool during tough and confusing times. Read carefully and make sure that you fully understand the guide. Using Axia’s Educational Resources - Downloading files for use on your computer: First, you need to log onto your Axia student account. Once you are logged on, you will see your home screen. On your home screen there will be the two current classes that you will be taking. Click on the class of your choice. Once you have done this, you will be in the classroom of your choice. In the classroom you will notice under Course Description there is a list of resources…show more content…
First, read the policy which is found in your Student’s Catalog. This policy states the importance of honesty in turning in your own work or citing correctly others work that you use. If you unclear about the policy you can contact your professor and they will be more than happy to help you. Understanding Consequences of Plagiarism: The consequences of plagiarism are very clear; it is not tolerated at all! There is a zero tolerance policy with plagiarism. Should the professor find you plagiarizing a paper, you can receive a zero in the class and possible dismissed from Axia College. Avoiding Plagiarism: Avoiding plagiarism is easy! There are a couple of things you can do. One idea is to make sure that you cite everything correctly. The last page of your paper should always be your cite page if you used any other information rather than just your thoughts. Once your paper is complete, you can also turn it in to plagiarism checker in the University Library. Another option you have is to ask your professor, your professor will be willing to answer any questions for…show more content…
SQ3R is an important technique for you to use when reading. You know more than anyone how important this tool is to successfully understand your reading. Using SQ3R and other study habits: SQ3R is the most beneficial tool to understanding your reading. It helps you to retain the information needed for the class. The most important thing is to use what habits work best for you to remember the information. Reading out loud, though makes you read slower, is a habit that helps you to retain better. So, when you are not in a time crunch, go downstairs and read out loud. Just remember before you start to read use SQ3R!! Applying Personality and Learning Styles - Using your personality type for distance learning success: Being an organizer helps you in your distance learning. You can easily plan ahead to complete your assignments before they are due to help make sure that obstacles do not get in the way of your work. You are confident that you can achieve your goals for you and your family. You are disciplined enough to make sure that you finish your work. All of these characteristics you will use to complete your schooling at Axia
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