Australian Identity Research Paper

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Critical Thinking Australian Aborigines Cultural Anthropology Mrs. Barry April 16, 2012 The topic I chose to do my paper on is the Australian Aborigines. This society has a variety of interlinking meanings that includes; period of creation, moral order, ancestral beings, and the source of all spirits. The call this Dreamtime, which can also be referred to as a specific geographic or topographic point or totem spirit. This permeates all the aspects of aboriginal life. This society or group is associated with totem shares with a mystical connection. These people believed they are like their totem and that the totem gave birth to their ancestors in a mythical time. This association between people and their totem is to have strong aboriginal people to believe that their health is linked to their totem’s wellbeing. They carry on periodic rituals to ensure the welfare of the totem. This society believes that the ancestors deposited spirits of living beings on earth during the dreamtime creation. Every spirit that inhabits…show more content…
Every day we look at what’s around us and to learn what that particular thing is. With my Italian background we are told to read about our history and our ancestors. If we don’t learn where we come from we can be denied in our family. So as a young child I was brought up very traditional and my family was really strict. As I grew up I had to learn how to clean, cook, shop, and I had to read something about my family history. In our culture the women are the ones that stay home and do everything around the house, while the man is working and paying the bills. Reading about my culture was very interesting. I learned that when you read the stories about what happen to your family, you start seeing the pictures and art of what is being taught. This is why I chose this topic because it relates to my

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