Athens vs Sparta

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Athens and Sparta were two exceptionally powerful, well-known city-states in Ancient Greece. Athens was a Direct Democracy; meaning every male citizen participates directly in government decision-making, lead by an assembly of over 6,000 male citizens and a council of 500. Sparta, on the other hand, was an oligarchy, meaning lead by a few, ruled by two kings, a council of elders, and an assembly. Although both cities had effective systems of running their government, the Spartan government was a more efficient government than Athens. Athens was in fact a democracy and though it gave more freedom to its citizens, there were just too many people to run the government in anyway but chaotic. Athens assembly was composed of over 6,000 male citizens who voted on the laws. Sparta also had an assembly made up of male citizens who voted on the laws. Sparta and Athens both had a council. The major difference being that Athens council of five hundred men were chosen by lottery. Regardless of Athenians reputation of being highly educated, they very well could have been a few Athenians who were not quite suited for the job because of their lack of education. Sparta’s council was composed of the two kings, and 28 citizens over the age of 60. They did not debate, unlike Athens, but with having less people on their council and assembly, they had a more uncomplicated and less confusing way of running their government. Sparta certainly did not give its citizens as much freedom as Athenian government but the fact that they had less people in not only their city, but on their council and assembly, made it an easier and more effective way to run their government in a smaller amount of time. With to large of a number of people participating in government, it’s less organized and more confusing. Sparta, overall, had the more efficient form of

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