Assumptions and Fallacies

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Associate Level Material Assumptions and Fallacies Write a 150- to 200-word response to each of the following sets of questions: • What are assumptions? How do you think assumptions might interfere with critical thinking? What might you do to avoid making assumptions in your thinking? • What are fallacies? How are fallacies used in written, oral, and visual arguments? What might you do to avoid fallacies in your thinking? Cite and reference any sourced material consistent with Associate Level Writing Style Handbook guidelines. • Assumptions are something that is accepted as true or certain to happen without proof. Assumptions should play no part in critical thinking but unfortunately they do, and often. I know as humans we all make snap judgments, but the idea is to push aside our assumptions and judgments when we think critically. Thinking critically is a skill that you either have or you don’t, the ones who have it will ultimately be the ones to thrive in their respective fields. Though it may be difficult to avoid making assumptions, as professionals we have no choice. We can keep our assumptions to ourselves but unless we consider all aspects of the situation we are not thinking critically. It is also important to recognize when you have made an assumption and attempt to rid yourself of the assumption, keeping it there will only make matters more difficult. • Fallacies are a mistaken belief, especially one based on an unsound argument. Fallacies in written arguments generally come from some type of news source: Biased material that tries people to believe something though it may just be for their gain. Fallacies in oral arguments are similar to written arguments. An oral argument could be a person trying to persuade you to believe something that is not true, or could be true but is farfetched. Fallacies in visual arguments would be

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