Assignment 3: The Aging Population In The United States

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Demographic Paper Becky Perez HCS/490 November 6, 2011 Kathy Loy The aging population today has grown considerably according to the aging statics given by, 2011. “The older population has grown, which includes persons 65 years or older, and has reached 39.6 million in 2009” (, 2011, p. 1). The older population represents 12.9% of the United States population and by the year 2030 will average 72.1 million. There were 64, 024 person who aged 100 years or more in 2009, (p. 1) and this growth in population can become a problem for the health care market. The United States has had the most spending for health care for persons age 65 and older (, 2011). In this…show more content…
“The older population represents 12.9% of the United States population and by the year 2030 will average 72.1 million. There were 64, 024 person who aged 100 years or more in 2009” (, 2011, p. 1). The two major concerns in healthcare are the aging population, and the rise in precription medication due to the rise in the aging population. To plan for the future it will be vital to quantify the illness of the elderly to plan for necessary health services that will become necessary in the coming years. Chronic diseases wellness progams are necessary for the elderly and will become needed more as the aging population grows. It is believed that disease management programs for the elderly reduce heathcare expenditures, but it still remains inconlusive (Simone R. de Bruin, 2011). Until the healthcare industry can provide a way to cut costs in healthcare the ability to lower costs for the elderly will continue to rise and affect healthcare nation wide. The individual patient, the community, and society as a whole can address these challenges by doing his/herr research. One way to help bring about the necessary changes in our healthcare is talk to people in charge of helping bring about change in the healthcare world such as one’e own congressmen or congressworman. Together changes is possible even in…show more content…
(2010, February 25). A Profile of Older Americans: 2010. Retrieved November 1, 2011, from Administration on Aging: Bustacchini, S. A. (2009, December 2). Drugs & Aging. Pharmacoeconomics and Aging, pp. p75-87, 13p. (2011, February 14). Public Health and Aging: Trends in Aging --- United States and Worldwide. Retrieved November 1, 2011, from MMWR: Meiners, N. R. (2011). Marketing Stradegy. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, p29-49, 21p. Simone R. de Bruin, R. H. (2011). Impact of disease management programs on healthcare expenditures for patients with diabetes, depression, heart failure or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A systematic review of the literature. In Health policy ,

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