Assignment 1: Homeostatic Imbalances

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Unit 1. Assignment 1. Homeostatic Imbalances GE258 Samantha Seifert Date Due: 7/9/13 Homeostatic Imbalances Hypertension is also defined as high blood pressure. Blood pressure is the measurement of force against the walls of your arteries as the heart pumps blood through the body. A normal blood pressure is lower than 120/80 mmHg most of the time and when you have high blood pressure the measurements are at least 140/90 or higher the majority of the time. The cardiovascular system is affected by hypertension. The heart acts as a pump and forces blood into the arteries while the arteries are resisting the blood flow. (Medline Plus, 2013). The body has a special mechanism called homeostasis that’s responsible for maintaining internal stable conditions inside the body. When conditions change, the body tries to regulate its internal environment by using feedback systems. When dealing with hypertension the body uses a negative feedback system that regulates your blood pressure. A negative feedback system reverses a change in a situation that’s controlled. As shown in the book, a stimulus disrupts homeostasis by increasing the blood…show more content…
When conditions change homeostasis is responsible for making adjustments in the body to keep everything stable. Negative feedback systems are used in order to maintain glucose in the body. A negative feedback system reverses a change in a controlled condition (Jenkins, Kemnitz, & Tortora, 2010). Negative feedback systems can never fully maintain homeostasis because it can’t stay at the same set point due to the body constantly changing in order to adapt to the changings that are taking place. If the body loses its ability to maintain homeostasis then imbalances occur which could cause diseases or disorders. Homeostasis imbalance due to diabetes occurs when the pancreas doesn’t produce enough insulin or it creates too much for the

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