As a Director, Explain How You Would Stage the Final Section of “a Doll’s House” in Order to Achieve Your Preferred Effects for an Audience.

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As a director, explain how you would stage the final section of “A Doll’s House” in order to achieve your preferred effects for an audience. My preferred effect for this section will be enabling audiences to feel sympathy for Nora and understand her decision of leaving Torvald. I will design the stage in a grand but practical style, that every piece of furniture has its use, but mostly suiting the need of Torvald, in other words, there will be a table for them to eat, a piano for Torvald to play, a bookshelf mainly filled with thick, professional reference books as Torvald is a lawyer. The furniture will be grand because the Helmer’s family is quite rich and often has friends to visit them. Yet the set design will not have many feminine touches, even in the bookshelf there will not be many novels for Nora to read. This is to show the audiences that Nora’s life is completely under Torvald’s control, that she did not even have much say on the design of their house as a housemistress. It will also echo with Nora’s comment later when she tells Torvald that, “You arranged everything in your taste, and so I simply took them over.” On the table there will be a stack of business cards with Torvald’s name printed on it and a vase of sunflower. These will be props for the actors in the final section. As for casting, I will choose an actor who is tall, strong-built and macho to play Torvald while choosing a petite actress to play Nora. This is because by this, Torvald can tower over Nora especially in the scene which he is in anger, and she will appear to be in his shadow. At some moments he can also corner her, showing the audiences that she is controlled by him. Also, the features of the actor should show some arrogance, and his voice should be deep and authoritative, as these can show the audiences that he doesn’t respect Nora much and treats her in a manipulative way,
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