Pemberley Quotes

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Pemberley essay In this essay I will be looking at Pemberley which is Mr Darcy and Georgiana’s estate in Derbyshire. Pemberley is a lovely stone building just situated on the opposite side to a valley standing well on rising ground, and backed up by a ridge of high woody hills. A quote from the novel to show this is ‘It was a large, handsome, stone building, standing well on rising ground and backed up by a ridge of high woody hills’ and also another quote is ‘ and the eye was instantly caught by Pemberley house’ Chapter 43 page 206. Pemberley is and ‘open house’ so anyone can view it but so anyone can view it but they have to have an appointment. It is also near the small market town, Lambton. When Elizabeth and Mr and Mrs Gardiner went to look round the estate a house keeper took them. ‘A respectable-looking, elderly woman, much less fine, and more civil, than she had any notion of finding her’ Chapter 43 page 207. The dining parlour was the first room that they visited and a description of all the rooms was ‘the rooms were lofty and handsome, and their furniture suitable to the fortune of their proprietor’. Chapter 43 page 207 Elizabeth’s feelings for Darcy change in the novel, because Elizabeth turned down Darcy’s proposal the first time she begins to regret doing that when she…show more content…
And finally Elizabeth because she loves Mr Darcy and he has already proposed to her once and she has been to look round Pemberley so she has fallen in love with it already and that made her think that she is going to become the mistress there one day when she re-marries Mr
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