Arranged Marriage Essay

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Arranged Marriage In the Western Society we are not accustomed to the idea of arranged marriage. And the reason of that is because we are privileged with the right to be able to choose our own spouse to marry. We grow up with the idea of true love in our head and we are able to choose our life companion. But what about those who do not grow up believing that they can choose their own loved one? How exactly do arranged marriages work, and what is the concept behind it? Firstly the biggest misunderstanding most of us have is about arranged marriage is the fact that most of us mistake arranged marriage with forced marriage. We tend to envision an unfortunate younger girl with an older repulsive man, and the girl is made to marry him and is incredibly unsatisfied and upset. But that is where we mistake an arranged marriage for a forced marriage. We tend to overlook the fact that arranged marriages have to have cooperation from both families and consent from both families whereas a forced marriage is where the girl is, well, forced into the marriage. Place where the majority of the population is abiding by the rules of arranged marriage is India. But many people consider it as taking the right of choice, the right of freedom. However in India that is not the case. Parents would not marry their children to anybody with less money just so they would not need to support the other family on a bigger scale than they should have to. The main reason doing this was because they did not want their children to marry someone out of their social class. This mostly applies to wealthy families in India. The majority of impoverish population usually does not care as much considering they do not have much money in first place so they do not have much to loose. And also nowadays it is illegal for the parent to stop the child to marry the ones they truly love. However that is the
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