Aristotile Arguments On Pleasure

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Aristotle Account of Pleasure Introduction Pleasure can be described as a mental state in humans or other animals when they find some activities worth seeking, enjoyable, and positive. This is a time when they experience euphoria, ecstasy, enjoyment, entertainment, and happiness. In psychology, pleasure can be described as a positive feedback that motivates an organism to recreate in a similar situation in future. This is because it found this situation pleasurable. This means that organism avoids situations they found painful in the past. The amounts of pleasure experienced in a situation differ from individual to individual. Different philosophers have different views about the whole issue. Aristotle, Epicurus, Eudoxus, and Speusippus are among the philosophers who have come up with different analysis of pleasure. This paper intends to cover Aristotle’s arguments on the issue of pleasure (Thomas and D'Arcy 1). Aristotle Arguments on Pleasure Aristotle sees pleasure as an unrestricted activity of natural state. This is as opposed to those who see it as a process. He argues that pleasure is not a process. This is because processes have various developmental stages. An example of a process is building a temple. This is a process because a temple does not come into existence at once. There are various processes that are involved, for example, laying the foundation before the church comes into existence. Pleasure on the other hand comes into existence at once without developmental processes. For example, if one is listening to a conversation and enjoying it, he or she does not need to wait until the story ends to feel pleased. He or she derives pleasure in listening to the conversation from the beginning (Weinman 56). Aristotle does not elaborate more on what he believes to be a person’s natural state. However, the way he uses it, it can easily be understood
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