Argumentative Essay: The Constitution And Tyranny

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The Constitution and Tyranny James Madison once said, “The accumulation of powers in the same hands whether of one, a few, or many is the very definition of tyranny.” The Articles of Confederation was the first step our nation took to try to prevent tyranny from beginning, but sadly, the Articles of Confederation failed based on the weak government and the fact that most of the power was being held by the states. Therefore, 55 delegates representing 12 of the 13 states met in Philadelphia to create a new and improved government, a new Constitution with a strong central government and that was tyranny free was necessary if the nation was going to hold together. The first of the many ways the Constitution guarded against Tyranny was through Federalism. “Subdivided among distinct and separate departments. Hence a double security arises to the rights of the people. This this quote explains why Federalism guards from tyranny because it keeps the power completely separated between central and state government but keeping the power even at the same time, so that one group does not inherit too much or become more powerful than the other. In addition to Federalism, Separation of powers was another ingenious way that the Constitution protected against tyranny. What Separation…show more content…
Federalism, Separation of powers, and Big States vs. Small States are three ways that assure our nation that no tyrant will arise. Without the Constitution, our nation would most likely be a dictatorship like North Korea, Iran, Sudan, Zimbabwe, or Saudi Arabia. What citizens can take back from learning about the Constitution is how their government works, and most importantly, how it protects them from tyrants. James Madison succeeded in creating a well built Constitution because of all 3 methods that have created security that no tyrant, or tyranny will
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