Ap Psychology Chapter 3 Key Terms

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Chapter 3 Key terms 1) Biopsychology – The specialty in psychology that studies the interaction of biology, behavior, and mental processes. Association words: brain, biology, behavior, metal processes 2) Neuroscience – A relatively new interdisciplinary field that focuses on the brain and its role in psychological. Association words: sleep disorders, vibrant interdisciplinary field 3) Evolution – The gradual process of biological change that occurs in a species as it adapts to its environment. Association words: On the origin of species, environment 4) Natural selection – The driving force behind evolution, by which the environment “selects” the fittest organisms. Association words: weeding out, adapted, environment, flourish, reproduce 5) Genotype – An organism’s genetic makeup.…show more content…
Association words: genes, coded, genetic, punctuation 10) Sex chromosome – The X and Y chromosomes that determine our physical sex characteristics. Association words: 46 chromosomes, X and Y, phenotype 11) Neuron – Cell specialized to receive and transmit information to other cells in the body Association words: nerve cell, information, decide 12) Sensory neuron – Nerve cell that carries messages from sense receptors toward the central nervous system. Association words: afferent neuron, carry, toward, brain 13) Motor neuron – Nerve cell that carries messages away from the central nervous system toward the muscles and glands. Association words: efferent neuron, message, muscles, organs, glands 14) Interneuron – A nerve cell that relays messages between nerve cells, especially in the brain and spinal cord. Association words: cells, spinal cord 15) Dendrite – A branched fiber that extends outward from the main cell body and carries information into the neuron. Association words: receiver, incoming
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