Antisemitism Before 1914 In France

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Antisemitism in France before 1914 1 Have you ever considered the effects of prejudices throughout history? Despite the groups being discriminated against, have you thought about how the countries are affected? Consequently, prejudices have likely altered history forever. Looking back, I had ignorantly assumed that the hate for Jews was predominately a German prejudice during World War I. However, after further research, I discovered that this was not the case. Antisemitism is the hostility towards Jewish people, and several European countries engaged in forms of this discrimination even before the war- France was no exception. In France, nationalism was prevalent during the end of the 19th century which fueled antisemitism. I will first look at the social and cultural aspects that were once apart of the France's identity, and how the hate for Jews brought about change. Additionally, I will also examine the changes that antisemitism had on France's economy. Finally, I will establish whether antisemitism played a role in France's politics during this time. I will argue that although at first, Jews were considered an integrated part of France's society during the late 1800s and early 1900s, the emergence of antisemitism acted as a driving force behind social, economical and political changes. 2 To begin with, at the end of the 19th century, a new wave of hatred toward Jews changed France in a social context. For one, before the sudden antisemitic views began, Jews coexisted peacefully in France. Up until the late 1800s, they shared the same rights, such as being able to vote, and freedoms as the other the other citizens. Author William Oldson has stated “ the Ashekenazi Jews assimilated the middle class in central and western Europe, they did not speak Yiddish, and did not even understand it”[1]regarding the depth of
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