Animal Farm - All Chapter Summaries

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English summary chapter 1, 2 & 3 There was a farm called Manor Farm, with a farmer called Mr Jones who had barn animals. It describes the main characters in the farm which are Snowball, Napoleon, Boxer, Squealer, Old Major, Clover, Moses, Mollie and Mr Jones. Mr Jones wasn’t having good days as he lost a lawsuit. He was becoming depressed and stopped attending to his farm. Old Major called a meeting in the barn and talked about a revolution which would happen later. A few days later, Old Major died. Three months later, the animals were being quite secretive as they were planning the revolution. They started a system which was called Animalism. The animals were being underfed so they were forced to break into the store house and eat the food in there. Mr Jones and his farmers started whipping the animals but the animals fought back. This caused the farmers to flee and this was the revolution. They preserved Mr Jones’ house as a museum and made seven commandants which they should follow. The pigs were the cleverest of the animals so they took the leadership role which is against animalism as animals should be equal. They also began to take advantage of being the smartest and took the luxuries for themselves. Despite the initial difficulties in using farming tools designed for humans, the animals cooperate to finish the harvest and do so in less time than it had taken Jones and his men to do the same. Boxer distinguishes himself as a strong, tireless worker, admired by all the animals. The pigs become the supervisors and directors of the animal workers. On Sundays, the animals meet in the big barn to listen to Snowball and Napoleon debate a number of topics on which they seem never to agree. Snowball forms a number of Animal Committees, all of which fail. However, he does prove successful at bringing a degree of literacy to the animals, who learn to read according to
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