Animal Ethics: Discussion Questions

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PHI 208 Week 5 Final Exam (Set 3) Purchase here Description 1. Tom Regan argues that animal rights 2. According to Glaucon, justice is based on 3. The point of the story of Gyges is that we are all 4. Which of the following does Tom Regan say about the utilitarian approach to animal ethics? 5. How does Tom Regan begin his presentation? 6. Reason is a faculty that we have that: 7. What does Peter Singer say about the history of liberation movements? 8. Jeremy Waldron argues that the current use of drone warfare is unethical because it is conducted 9. The conventional doctrine is endorsed by: 10. Tom Regan’s view of…show more content…
In Held’s article, a thinker named Annette Baier claims that the history of Western ethical thought does not take into account feminine aspects because 36. Which of the following does Peter Singer assert about the principle of equality? 37. Held claims that this abstract concept has guided the development of Western ethics 38. In the video “Drones Are Not Ethical and Effective,” Jeremy Waldron argues that drones are not ethical because their use involves 39. In 2003, how many people died in Canada? 40. Which of the following does not describe how egg-laying hens are treated in factory farms? 41. Foot claims that in the Rescue cases: 42. If Midgley is correct, moral scepticism 43. In the Rescue I case, Foot claims that: 44. Which of the skills that Phil Connors (Bill Murray) learns in the course of his time in the Groundhog Day loop would be considered a “practice” according to MacIntyre’s account? 45. Which of these theories best describes the transformation of Phil Connors (Bill Murray) by the end of Groundhog Day? 46. R.B. Brandt argues that a rule of war can be morally justified 47. Aristotle states that if we ask what the highest good of human action is: 48. Which of the following makes it difficult to calculate the utility of an…show more content…
In the video “Drones Are Not Ethical and Effective,” Jeremy Waldron argues that drones are not ethical because their use involves 39. In 2003, how many people died in Canada? 40. Which of the following does not describe how egg-laying hens are treated in factory farms? 41. Foot claims that in the Rescue cases: 42. If Midgley is correct, moral scepticism 43. In the Rescue I case, Foot claims that: 44. Which of the skills that Phil Connors (Bill Murray) learns in the course of his time in the Groundhog Day loop would be considered a “practice” according to MacIntyre’s account? 45. Which of these theories best describes the transformation of Phil Connors (Bill Murray) by the end of Groundhog Day? 46. R.B. Brandt argues that a rule of war can be morally justified 47. Aristotle states that if we ask what the highest good of human action is: 48. Which of the following makes it difficult to calculate the utility of an act 49. La Shawn Barber claims that a leader should 50. What is the point of Regan’s discussion about Aunt Bea and utilitarianism’s respect for human life? PHI 208 Week 5 Final Exam (Set 3) Purchase here

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