Andrew's Summary of Hiroshima from Ken Burns Video

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Andrew Tull Hiroshima On August 6, 1945, the United States dropped the equivalent of 67 million sticks of dynamite on the heavily militarized city of Hiroshima, Japan. Earlier that year, in the month of July, Robert Oppenheimer directed the scientific campaign of creating and testing the bomb. All information about the bomb was top secret. It was so top secret that President Truman was not even told about it until after he took office. The airmen that dropped such a force of destruction did not know much about it either. However, they knew the destruction would be great, as it involved the splitting of the atom. As a result of the nuclear radiation and sonic boom of the bomb, thousands of Japanese perished. Also, thousands of injured and burned bodies were found by the time the destruction had ceased. There were few that encountered the blast and still survived. In retrospect, there were a number of factors that led to the dropping of the bomb. First and foremost was the stubbornness of Japan when it came to fighting the war. For example, Japanese soldiers would constantly detonate bombs even if they had to commit suicide to do it. Korechika Anami, the Army Minister of Japan during World War Two, was adamant that Japanese soldiers must never surrender. Even after the U.S. fire-bombed Japanese cities, Japan still did not surrender. The Japanese had suicide bombers that would throw themselves under tanks to honor the Japanese emperor. The main result of such a sense of honor, the event that led to the decision of the U.S. to drop the bomb, was when Japan's Prime Minister Suzuki Kantaro refused the U.S. Potsdam Declaration's requirement that Japanese armed forces must surrender unconditionally. August 6, 1945 is a day that implanted images of buildings aflame, millions of shards of glass, and vanishing human beings into the minds of those who remember or attempt to
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