Analysis Of The Song We Didn T Start The Fire By Billy Joel

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In the well known song "We Didn't Start the Fire" by Billy Joel the lyrics go through decades of events throughout United States History. In the music video it shows the progression of a family going through these events. In one verse "Hemingway, Eichmann, "Stranger in a Strange Land". Dylan, Berlin, Bay of Pigs invasion, "Lawrence of Arabia", British Beatlemania, Ole Miss, John Glenn, Liston beats Patterson, Pope Paul, Malcolm X, British politician sex, JFK, blown away, what else do I have to say?" All these events occurred during1961-1963. I took on the topics Berlin, British Beatlemania, Ole Miss, and JFK to do more research on them. Like find out what they are, what significance they had, and why Billy Joel put them in his song. Berlin…show more content…
It was a symbolic division of the free world and the communist territory. I think it was a big symbol of the Cold War, which was an important event of United States history, which is why Billy Joel would have put it in his song. Relating to Its Time During the 1960's the Cold War was affecting the United States and causing tension among us and Russia. The Berlin Wall caused the West fear of the communist control in the East. When the wall finally fell it symbolized the end of the Cold War, which meant the tension among Russia and United States finally subsided. Unique Facts What I found to be interesting was that in a large area of communism they aloud half of a city to be free. What was also interesting was that Germany was split into four districts, the Eastern half went into Soviet territory. While the rest was divided among The United States, France and British territories. Berlin being the capitol was also divided in a similar manor, which created a was why there was free territory in East Germany at that time.…show more content…
His leadership in the Civil Rights movement was what caused the movement to succeed eventually. Billy Joel probably put it in his song because he was one of the most favored Presidents and many lost hopes with his death. Relating to It's Time I think that any time a President is assasinated, it creates a loss of moral for our Country. When a leader falls, it almost always negatively effects the people he led. I think it was a very sad and memorable moment for Americans at that time. Unique Facts John F. Kennedy has some odd coinsidences with Abreham Lincoln and their assassinations. Both Lincoln and Kennedy were elected into congress exactly 100 years from eachother, then were both elected into presidency 100 years from eachother. Lincoln's secretary, Kennedy, warned him not to go to the theatre. Kennedy's secretary, Lincoln, warned him not to go to Dallas. Both were shot in the head on a Friday. The assassinators were both southern's, John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald, both go by their 3 names which each make up 15 letters. Both assassinators were killed before their trail.
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