Analysis of the Proper Diet

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Analysis of the Proper Diet Introduction Reduce caloric intake and exercise to lose weight? Not always, there is a point at which too little caloric intake will do just the opposite. This paper reflects the analysis and modifications the author made to her diet in a three week span to achieve adequate nutrition. Analysis of Starting Diet and Exercise Analysis began with a food journal over the course of three weeks. For the first two weeks the author made no changes to her diet. At the end of the two weeks the author analyzed her diet and compared her normal caloric intake to the Recommended Daily Allowance which was calculated by her weight, height, and activity level. According to Nutrition Health and Wellness, The Recommended Daily Allowance for the author is 1914 kcal per day (Cherif, 911). Out of those kcals the maximum recommendation for fat intake is 582 kcals, carbohydrates kcals 1125, and total intake of protein should be 63g per day. These numbers reflect the daily energy expenditure for a 30 year old 5’3” female weighing 174 pounds that exercises moderately three times a week. On average the author’s diet contained 1105 total calories, of which 351 kcals from fat, 544kcals from carbohydrates, and 52g of protein. As the reader can see the authors diet is deficient in all areas of energy intake. Three dietary habits that need to be removed from the diet are skipping meals, poor caloric intake, and inadequate amount of exercise. These three habits have put the author’s body in a type of starvation mode. When caloric intake is too low a person’s body is unable to obtain proper energy and nutrients. Without proper intake the body has to break down muscle in order to achieve the energy that is needed for vital organ function and daily living. This type of diet has many physiological as well as psychological implications. Poor caloric intake for
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