Analysis Of Left To Tell By Immaculée Ilibagiza

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Immaculée Ilibagiza If you have never read the book Left to Tell, then you are missing out on a life changing perspective. The woman that I admire most is Immaculée Ilibagiza. Her story can influence anyone to become a well-developed, stronger person. To give you the basis of the book, Immaculée was caught in genocide between the Tutsi and Hutu. Immaculée was a Tutsi; she was the one being hunted and killed. Through her family being slaughtered, losing friends, and some of the people she trusted most, she managed to keep her head up and keep moving forward. At one point in the story, she encounters the man that killed her father. Instead of yelling at him or becoming disturbed by him, she forgave him. The people around her in the prison

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