Analyse Using Examples the Different Objectives Firms Pursue in the Private Sector

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Analyse using examples the different objectives firms pursue in the private sector. (15) The private sector makes up part of the economy, and is also commonly referred to as the citizen sector, as it is controlled and managed by individuals without the intervention from the government. It is by definition used by firms, instead of the public sector, as a means of increasing profits. However, although profit is the most focal objective, there are other objectives that firms aim for when existing in the private sector. The aim for private business’s, like a newsagent for example, is to survive by maximising profits through different means. A way in which the owner of the newsagent can achieve this is by focusing on market share, which is the percentage of overall sales in an industry. So the newsagent owner could reduce prices in an attempt to increase sales over that of any competitors, thus increasing their market share, which consequently implies an increase in profits. This kind of technique thus concentrates on the concept of price competitiveness between firms. Firms could also, in order to increase profits, look to improve their costumer loyalty, for when the costumers are constantly satisfied with a product, they are likely to return for a ‘repeat sale’, thus increasing the profits of the business. One of the main ways that private sector firms try to increase their profits is by reducing their costs. For example, if a newsagent has surplus employees, then they are paying needless amounts of their profit on wages, but by cutting down on the amount of workers, they can then benefit from increased profit. Also by cutting down on workers, this may remove the possibility of diminishing returns; because by not having too many workers, firms remain efficient and unneeded employees do not compromise their output. There are however other objectives that

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