American Archaeology: The American Archeology Site

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Name Course Professor Date Archaeology Introduction The American archeology sites give an insight into prehistoric and historic inhabitants of the American land. The pre-historic and historic people lived at different times. The presence of ancient inhabitants on American land is easily noticed by studying artifacts, features and archaeological sites. Artifacts refer to the portable object or equipments made and used by humans. On the other hand, features are the viewed as the aspects that depict human activity in a certain region. The key distinction between features and artifacts is that features are non-portable, whereas artifacts are portable. The place where artifacts are found or features identified signifies the existence of some…show more content…
These features assist the archaeologist in understanding the way of life of the people who inhabited that region. The hypothetical site contains fence enclosures and pits. The existence of pits shows that the people who inhabited the region lived in a form of communal set up. They were responsible and cared about their surroundings. Any trash or unwanted waste was thrown into the pits. Additionally, structural remains in the hypothetical site indicate the form of lives of these people. The hypothetical site contains fence enclosures. The fenced enclosure signifies the communal nature of the people of that region. Archaeologists believe that the Mississippians lived in communal nature. Additionally, the Woodland communities contained homes to several…show more content…
They are involved in extraction of evidence of some form of human existence in the past. The collection of artifacts and feature plays an essential role in archeology. Archaeologists look out for artifacts and features such as stones, pits and animal bones. They use these features and artifacts to analyze ancient way of life of the people who left them behind. Archeological sites are instrumental in helping people identify with the past. The hypothetical archaeological site under study depicts evidence of the existence of the Mississippian people and the Woodland people. A study of the artifacts and the features depicted in the hypothetical site shows aspects about the lifestyle of the two communities. New discoveries in the field of archeology may help in enhancing the way of historic and prehistoric people. Work cited Deetz, James. In Small Things Forgotten: [an Archaeology of Early American Life]. New York: Anchor Books, 1996. Print. Ferguson, Leland G. Uncommon Ground: Archaeology and Early African America, 1650-1800. Washington, D.C: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1992. Print. "Native Americans:Prehistoric:Mississippian:Economy." Welcome to the Illinois State Museum--Illinois State Museum. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 June 2013. . Thomas, David H, and Robert L. Kelly. Archaeology. Belmont, CA: Thomson/Wadsworth, 2006.

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