All Quiet on the Western Front

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In the book “All Quiet on the Western Front” Paul Baumer tells that the war is a dehumanizing experience. I on the other hand believe that the hardships of war make the soldiers become more human. In the book Paul not only talks about his and others experiences in the frontline but also about their home front. War makes young soldiers see real human life. Soldiers throughout the war are constantly exposed to death, so that it becomes a part of their normal day to day life. Soldiers soon become desensitized to how many people are actually dying each day. In the book Paul and many other soldiers on the frontline come close to death many times, through these experiences they became stronger individuals and gained a more appreciative outlook look on life. In the beginning of the book Paul sees one of his best childhood friends pass away. After witnessing the heart wrenching death Paul states “I become faint, all at once I cannot do any more. I won’t revile any more, it is senseless, I could drop down and never rise up again” (32). Paul soon goes on to witness many more deaths causing sadness and annihilation to become a big part of his life. Soldiers get so use to seeing others die they become oblivious to the fact that each individual’s life is to be held sacred and that they only get one. In the book Paul feels that they have no reason to be fighting and that they have been abated to beasts just trying to protect themselves from others who are doing the same. At such a young age him and his comrades are exposed to so much tragedy, Paul stated that “Our knowledge of life is limited to death, what will come afterwards? And what will happen to us” (264). For the soldiers who die fighting in the war it is unfair what becomes of them. People who died a noble death get treated as if they are nothing, and were never anyone. Some never even see to a proper burial,

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