Alien Abduction Essay

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Imagings waking up in the middle of the night, not being able to move and you sense a presence in the room, and see a shadow at the end of the bed. You black out and wake up a couple hours later in a cold sweat. Five out 1000 people are convince that they are being abducted by E.T.s (Extraterrestrial) and they are taken on a regular occurrence. Sceptics will tell you that these people have psychological problems or are looking for attention, but there is a problem with that because only a small percentage of abductees come forward with their experience. Those who don’t come forward fear if they do come forward they would either lose their job or be put in a psychiatric institution. Most abductees will remember a medical procedure being performed on them where the E.T.s take semen from men and eggs from woman, in most cases an implant is place within the body of the person. Some abductees have recalled being forced to mate with a E.T.s [Taken 2003] the most popular theory is that the E.T.s are trying to replenish their gene pool, but most of the time they remember training sessions which Jim Sparks calls alien boot camp [Sparks 2006, pg XV]. During training session they are taught the alphabet of the E.T.s as well as other jobs like leadership skills or even how to fly their vehicles [Taken 2003] for the purpose of a last resort if we need to abandon Earth because the environment is no longer liveable. Abductees with children recall their children being taken from their cribs and later returned [Alien abduction]; others have their children come up to them and start talking about their “little buddies” who takes them during the night. The life of an abductee is hard and tends to fall apart because of ridicule from the public and of exhaustion from being taken repeatedly within a month sometimes it’s back to back. From childhood abductees felt different from other
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