Aicca Ethical Issues

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Economic and Ethical Issues of Pricing As a CPA you are in charge of a small tax advisory firm providing services to individual taxpayers, a substantial group of whom is high-wealth. Your firm is experiencing new pressures from the changing marketplace. New, non-CPA market competitors and competition from do-it-yourself tax-preparation software packages have had a negative effect on your bottom line. Because of these pressures, you are looking at ways to reduce costs. To expand your business and continue successfully you must consider employing non-CPAs. Economic and Ethical Issues of Pricing All CPAs and CPA firms have a vested interested in ethics but how do they keep those ethics and professional codes of conduct while growing their business? How do they add value to their services during these economic times? This paper explores the idea of changing from an hourly billing system to a fixed fee pricing structure in order to grow and thrive, the ethical challenges of hiring non certified accountants and personnel and the professional…show more content…
(n.d.). ET Section 56 - Article V - Due Care (CPA Standard). Retrieved from AICPA Code of Professional Conduct: AICPA. (n.d.). Ethics Rulings on General and Technical Standards (CPA Standard). Retrieved from AICPA Code of Professional Conduct: Baker, R. J. (2008, November). The Firm of the Future. Journal of Accountancy. Retrieved from Baker, R. J. (2009, June). Pricing on Purpose: How to Implement Value Pricing in Your Firm. Journal of Accountancy. Retrieved from Day, J. W. (2008). Theme: CPAs vs. Non-CPAs. Retrieved from

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