Advanced Biology Week 1 Assignment

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Advanced biology week 1 assignment 1. Bacteria are prokaryotes because they are not living organisms; they are simply genetic information wrapped in a protein sheath and they cannot replicate without the help of a cell. 2. Coccus bacteria is bacteria have a spherical shape. In nature, these bacteria may exist as individuals cells or be grouped together. Rod bacteria also called bacilli cells, have a rod-like shape just as the name implies. While many rod bacteria exist as single cells, some rods attach end to end in long chains. Spirillum Bacteria is the spirilla bacteria resemble a corkscrew structure. These bacteria can move quickly due to their corkscrew movement and ability to use flagella. 3. Bacteria is heterotrophs must…show more content…
Bacteria reproduces by most commonly occurs by a kind of cell division called binary fission. Binary fission results in the formation of two bacterial cells that are genetically identical. 6. The Archaea these microbes are prokaryotes, meaning that they have no cell nucleus or any other membrane-bound organelles within their cells. 7. Archaega does not have cell wall but they do compose of peptidoglycan molecules with the exception of methanobacteria who have pseudo peptidoglycan in their cell wall. 8. There are three main types of archaea: the crenarchaeota which are characterized by their ability to tolerate extremes in temperature and acidity. The euryarchaeota which include methane-producers and salt-lovers; and the korarchaeota catch-all group for archaeans about which very little is known. 9. Protists are eukaryotes rather than prokaryotes. Eukaryotes are organisms that have cells that contain a nucleus. Prokaryotes are organisms that have cells that do not have a nucleus. 10. This theory was absorbed by a cell and they started to reproduce and function eventually like another part of the cell. both benefit: the chloroplasts and mitochondria help out the cell and get a place to stay in return sort of
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