Adult Education Essay

2015 Words9 Pages
INTRODUCTION Adult learners are faced with many challenges in the rapidly changing world as globalization continue to be effective in most countries nowadays. This means that people need to be adaptable to change in order to suit this expansion of technology and change of policies in day to day living. Therefore, participation in adult education becomes a necessity to all adults. In Zimbabwe, several colleges and universities have been set up and also various forms of both formal and non-formal education systems have emerged to cater for adult education. It is therefore important to know why some adults do not participate in adult learning. This write up will discuss various barriers to participation in adult education and how such barriers can be minimised. Significant terms will first be defined. ADULT EDUCATION Houle in Bown & Okedara (1981) define adult education as: “The process by which men and women (alone, in groups, or institutional settings) seek to improve themselves or their society by increasing their skill, their knowledge or their sensitiveness…” . This is in agreement with the report of the Adult Education Commission in Rogers (1986) which says: “Adult education includes all systematic learning by adults which contributes to their development as individuals and as members of the community and of society..” Therefore adult education exists to meet the whole range of educational needs and experiences by adults. It also implies that adult education is a process of transmitting knowledge, abilities and attitudes acceptable within a society for the betterment of an individual and the community as a whole. BARRIER Charner (1980 : 44) define a barrier as “anything that prevents an adult from participating in all aspects of society”. Carp et al (1990) defines a barrier as “a stumbling block or an obstacle that stops one

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